¿Letra de la nueva cancion Automatic ?

Esto supuestamente salió publicado en la nueva edicion de BRAVO en alemania, pero no se confirma aún.

So automatic
You’re like a machine
Your heart beats no more for me

So automatic
Your hands
Touch me
Feel everything, but not you

So automatic
Your Voice – Electrical
Where were you when she speaks?

So automatic
As you say, I’m important to you…

who programmed you?

If you laugh
You don’t laugh
If you cry
You don’t weep
If you feel
You feel nothing
Because you’re without love

How to automatica
I race through all the streets
And don’t lead to you

How to automatic
Follow me your shadow
And use cold for me

You’re like
Static and
So automatic

Your look so empty
I can no longer
Everything to you
As rehearsed
You stand before me.

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